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!! PDF Ebook What I Did for Love (Wynette, Texas), by Susan Elizabeth Phillips

PDF Ebook What I Did for Love (Wynette, Texas), by Susan Elizabeth Phillips

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What I Did for Love (Wynette, Texas), by Susan Elizabeth Phillips

What I Did for Love (Wynette, Texas), by Susan Elizabeth Phillips

What I Did for Love (Wynette, Texas), by Susan Elizabeth Phillips

PDF Ebook What I Did for Love (Wynette, Texas), by Susan Elizabeth Phillips

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What I Did for Love (Wynette, Texas), by Susan Elizabeth Phillips

“Writing with both sharp wit and terrific emotional warmth, Phillips delivers another of her supremely satisfying contemporary romances.”

—Chicago Tribune


Perennial New York Times bestselling author Susan Elizabeth Phillips is easily one of the most beloved authors of women’s fiction in America—and with her wonderfully witty What I Did for Love, she works her magic once again. Turning her satirical eye on Hollywood and the messy love triangles of its major superstars (think Jennifer Aniston, Brad Pitt, and Angelina Jolie), the incomparable Susan delivers a treasure of a romantic comedy that the Detroit Free Press calls “a laugh-out-loud tale,” and Publishers Weekly calls a “massively entertaining romp.” Read What I Did for Love and discover why Susan Elizabeth Phillips has won more Favorite Book of the Year Awards from the Romance Writers of America than any other author, including Nora Roberts.

  • Sales Rank: #1143817 in Books
  • Published on: 2009-01-20
  • Released on: 2009-01-27
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 1.36" h x 6.34" w x 9.16" l,
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 401 pages
  • Valentine's Day
  • Love
  • christmas
  • Susan Elizabeth Phillips

From Publishers Weekly
Starred Review. Phillips (It Had to Be You) makes old Hollywood gossip new again in this over-the-top, hot-under-the-sheets rom-com. Sitcom Skip and Scooter co-stars Georgie York, who like her character exudes spunky charm, and Bram Shepard, whose upbringing couldn't be more different from the nice boy he plays, hate each other even before Bram's offscreen sexual escapades lead to the sitcom's cancellation. Flash forward eight years: his career has cratered, and her biggest accomplishment has been briefly marrying hunky star Lance Marks, who abandons her for sex-goddess-turned-international-do-gooder Jade Gentry. So when Bram and Georgie wake up from a Vegas bender and find themselves married to each other, they make the most of it: Georgie aims to undo the damage Lance has done to her heart and her public image, while Bram is gunning for a second chance at life, love and stardom. It's a blast to watch the hate-each-other-yet-made-for-each-other couple as they duck paparazzi or spar before falling into bed. In this massively entertaining romp, redemption is always possible, and even a fake Hollywood couple trapped in a pretend marriage might find true love. (Feb.)
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

From the Back Cover

How did this happen? Georgie York, once the costar of America's favorite television sitcom, has been publicly abandoned by her famous husband, her film career has tanked, her father is driving her crazy, and her public image as a spunky heroine is taking a serious beating.

What should a down-on-her-luck actress do? Not go to Vegas . . . not run into her detestable former costar, dreamboat-from-hell Bramwell Shepard . . . and not get caught up in an ugly incident that leads to a calamitous elopement. Before she knows it, Georgie has a fake marriage, a fake husband, and maybe (or not) a fake sex life.

It's a paparazzi free-for-all, and Georgie's nonsupporting cast doesn't help. There's Bram's punk-nightmare housekeeper, Georgie's own pushy parent, a suck-up agent, an icy studio head with a private agenda, and her ex-husband's new wife, who can't get enough of doing good deeds and saving the world—the bitch. As for Georgie's leading man, Bram's giving the performance of his life, but he's never cared about anyone except himself, and it's not exactly clear why.

Two enemies find themselves working without a script in a town where the spotlight shines bright . . . and where the strongest emotions can wear startling disguises.

About the Author

Susan Elizabeth Phillips has found fans all over the world with her warm and wonderful contemporary love stories that manage to touch both hearts and funny bones. She's the only four-time recipient of the Romance Writers of America's prestigious Favorite Book of the Year and was also honored with their Lifetime Achievement Award. A resident of the Chicago suburbs, she is a wife, the mother of two grown sons, an avid hiker, and—unlike some of her characters—notoriously inept at any sport requiring a ball.

Most helpful customer reviews

99 of 108 people found the following review helpful.
Wanted to like it...
By Reader 200
This book is pretty much a spin-off of Jennifer Aniston's real life story. A funny-face, sitcom-princess marries and then is dumped by the best looking actor in Hollywood. He leaves her for an actress famous for her unusual beauty and dedication to world humanitarian works. The story begins after the divorce, when Georgie (the heroine) accidentally gets drugged by a groupie in LV and wakes up married to her former sitcom costar - a man she detests and who treats her really, really badly.

The book does have all the elements I love about SEP - the quirky characters, funny situations, and witty dialogue. While I did enjoy reading it, at the end of the day it left a bad taste in my mouth.

First - I never liked the hero Bram. For the first half of the book he is just despicable. And while small clues show that perhaps he isn't what he seems, his underlying motivations are still entirely selfish and self-centered. At the end of the book he does redeem himself, but even that seemed like a case of `now that I've really figured out what I want, I really want to get what I want.'

Second - My favorite character in the entire book was Chaz, Bram's housekeeper. She way overshadows either Georgie or Bram.

Third - I kept thinking that I've read this book before. The dialogue especially seemed so similar to other SEP books that sometimes I could even place it. The ending reminded me of `Match me if you can.' While the premise was original, a good lot of the execution felt recycled.

Fourth - One of the reasons I like SEP is because her books are focused on humor and characters and fun. The sex, while present, isn't usually heavy-handed. That didn't seem true in this book. The hero and heroine were married, but absolutely hated each other. Their sexual relationship was like a fling or a recreational event (which they both openly admit), and not an outcome of genuine feelings for each other. Yuck.

So overall why I enjoyed the hilarity and absurdity of this book, too much of it just didn't work for me.

48 of 53 people found the following review helpful.
Missing that "umph!"
By shawty_p

I love SEP and I own many of her previous books. What I love the most about her novels is that they can make you laugh and cry. Okay, I've never cried before but I have felt very emotionally attached/touched. Anywho, What I did for Love worked and didn't really work for me on many levels.

First, you can depend on humor. There were a few points in the book where I found myself grinning or laughing like a crazy woman.

Second, she brought up some real issues that she hasn't really in the past such as drugs, prostitution, weight problems, etc. It made her characters more flawed and human and relatable.

Didn't Work:
First, I couldn't NOT think of Georgie York as Jennifer Aniston.
Georgie's ex-husband, a gorgeous blonde movie star, leaves her for another woman. Who coincidentally happens to be his costar in a movie and she is also an accomplished, talented, sexy brunette who does charity work and promotes global causes!! AND she was pregnant!

Secondly, I have to say this...very few sex scenes! Of course, they get it on in the book, but there's really only one scene that I can recall that was "descriptive." The rest of the sex scenes were more just like...oh...and they slept together. I think it was because of this that...

Thirdly, I kind of found it hard to believe that they fell so in love. They wasn't a strong emotional connection. As young costars, they had their beef with each other. On Georgie's part, rightfully so. Bram's, not so much. But they DID separate for years. They DID hate each other their entire acquaintance. But forced intimacy made them realize they loved each other? There was delightful and witty arguing (which I LOVE)...but I never really saw what was so great about Georgie OR Bram.

Fourth, I never connected to Georgie York or Bram Shepard. I love SEP's spunky and intelligent heroines and tough and confident heroes. Neither Georgie nor Bram really shine compared to SEP's previous characters.

Overall, I enjoyed it. What I Did For Love is not SEP's best work, but it is STILL better than a LOT of other romance novels out there, past and present! I don't regret buying it at all. It is well worth the hardcover price. It really didn't touch me the way her novels have in the past, but it was still pretty good.

I would give it a B-.

And ps. for those of you who were hoping to catch up with Glitter Baby Fleur Savagar and "Bird Dog Caliber" Jake Koranda...they appear in the novel but you never hear them speak! Their daughter, Meg, is a character in this novel, but they themselves are only referenced in conversation. I'm kind of sorry for that. It would have been nice to see what they were like now.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By Amazon Customer
What a fun read!

See all 185 customer reviews...

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