Jumat, 25 Maret 2016

# Download PDF Sisters of the Sword, by Maya Snow

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Sisters of the Sword, by Maya Snow

Sisters of the Sword, by Maya Snow

Sisters of the Sword, by Maya Snow

Download PDF Sisters of the Sword, by Maya Snow

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Sisters of the Sword, by Maya Snow

Kimi dreams of being a great samurai warrior, but she and her sister, Hana, are young ladies of feudal Japan, daughters of the Jito of the province. Her future seems clear: Girls do not become samurai.

Then, betrayal shatters the sisters' world. Their power-hungry uncle murders their father, and their mother and little brother mysteriously disappear. Determined to seek revenge and restore their honor, they disguise themselves as boys to train at a school for samurai. Kimi and Hana are thrown headlong into a life of warrior codes, sharp swords, and shadowy figures—as they work with fierce determination to avenge the brutal wrongs done to their family.

In a flash, life has swept them into a terrible adventure, more heart-pounding than Kimi and Hana ever could have imagined . . . and once it has been set in motion, nothing will ever be the same.

  • Sales Rank: #1590279 in Books
  • Published on: 2009-06-09
  • Released on: 2009-06-09
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 7.63" h x .61" w x 5.13" l, .47 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 304 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

6 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
Thrilling story but lots of blood
By Maggie Knapp
Kimi and Hana are the teenage daughters of a powerful lord in feudal Japan. Although their father (non-traditionally) encourages them to learn to read, write and defend themselves, they never dream to the extent they will put these skills to use. A treacherous betrayal sends the sisters fleeing into the forest, soon to join a training school disguised as servant-class boys. They need to remain alive long enough to find their mother and younger brother, and if they can take revenge on their enemies along the way....so much the better.

Author Maya Snow created what seems to me to be an authentic and accurate setting in feudal Japan. Japanese terms are used liberally in the text and I enjoyed learning about samurai rituals and life in Japan hundreds of years ago. Kimi and Hana are strong and smart, and in this suspenseful story they are befriended by a number of richly-drawn secondary characters, particularly Master Goku. This book is the first in a series, and ends with the promise of more adventures to follow.

The gore factor of this book is high -- too high, in my opinion for the suggested audience of 10 and up. The stabbings and beheadings are descriptively wrought, and include beloved family members and friends. I would suggest it for 12 and up, most particularly for those who like their sword fights bloody. If you enjoy this book, you might also try Chris Bradford's Young Samurai series. The hero is Jack, and the violence level is about the same.

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
By elfdart
this book was surprisingly good. i wouldn't say that i was surprised by the material, because you can get a pretty good idea of what to expect from the plot by reading the summary, kind of a mulan/ alanna series (tamora peirce) story about a girl who rises out of the stereotypical female role and sort of blurs the boundary we so readily assign to gender association. and this story is a good one, but because it's so over done there is a huge potential for failure. this book however, did not fail.

first off i have to say that i'm somewhat impressed. this is a story about two young girls dealing with the death of their father and brothers, and there is actually evidence of violence. it is a children's book so of course there is nothing too graphic, but it is no max and ruby! you fear for the characters and the suspense your fear creates because they could actually get hurt really increases the anticipation. the story makes you want to feel things basically :P but again, this is a novel for children. i picked it up in the 9 - 12 section of the book store and i'd say the subject matter is handled in a way appropriate for that age. more often than not, though danger is close at hand, the girls are spared what would be a scary scene (and what would have been added in the adult version of the novel with more gore and blood) leaving only a handful of actual encounters wherein they are confronted with an unpleasant confrontation.

the main characters kimi and hana were great as well. the story wasn't so much about how they 'beat the system', how they showed everyone that girls can do whatever boys can. it was a better story, side stepping that superficial attempt at feminism. it was about inner strength and fighting your own demons with what you've got. and yes kimi wants to be a samurai like nothing else, but the focus of the story is on how she reacts with strength and courage when such a bad thing has happened to her and her family. she uses her desire to become a samurai to move forward, to avenge her family, but her reason of existence isn't to prove that she can. she knows she can. her purpose is acknowledge her ability, nurture it, and then use it to best accomplish what she desires.

the book ended... like a beginning, so i assume this is the beginning of some sort of series. and this is a novel written for children, but that i'm 20 yr old university student and still enjoyed it says something, i think, about the author's talent for storytelling. it was a well written book with a good story and great characters. i look forward to a continuation.

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
A straight forward captivating book with a compelling heroine
By Stuerchler Matius
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this captivating book, which, instead of loosing itself in unnecessary details ("lard factor"), tells an exiting straightforward story with characters that I could easily identify myself with. I find myself reminded of stories by Tamora Pierce or Mercedes Lackey, where I young heroine has to go through many adventures and adversities to finally prevail against evil. Highly recommended. I am very much looking forward to the sequel!

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