Senin, 28 Maret 2016

! Free Ebook Anansi Boys, by Neil Gaiman

Free Ebook Anansi Boys, by Neil Gaiman

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Anansi Boys, by Neil Gaiman

Anansi Boys, by Neil Gaiman

Anansi Boys, by Neil Gaiman

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Anansi Boys, by Neil Gaiman

Fat Charlie Nancy’s normal life ended the moment his father dropped dead on a Florida karaoke stage. Charlie didn’t know his dad was a god. And he never knew he had a brother. Now brother Spider is on his doorstep—about to make Fat Charlie’s life more interesting . . . and a lot more dangerous.

  • Sales Rank: #300781 in Books
  • Brand: Gaiman, Neil
  • Published on: 2008-01-22
  • Released on: 2008-01-22
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.00" h x .83" w x 5.31" l, .61 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 368 pages

From Publishers Weekly
Starred Review. If readers found the Sandman series creator's last novel, American Gods, hard to classify, they will be equally nonplussed—and equally entertained—by this brilliant mingling of the mundane and the fantastic. "Fat Charlie" Nancy leads a life of comfortable workaholism in London, with a stressful agenting job he doesn't much like, and a pleasant fiancée, Rosie. When Charlie learns of the death of his estranged father in Florida, he attends the funeral and learns two facts that turn his well-ordered existence upside-down: that his father was a human form of Anansi, the African trickster god, and that he has a brother, Spider, who has inherited some of their father's godlike abilities. Spider comes to visit Charlie and gets him fired from his job, steals his fiancée, and is instrumental in having him arrested for embezzlement and suspected of murder. When Charlie resorts to magic to get rid of Spider, who's selfish and unthinking rather than evil, things begin to go very badly for just about everyone. Other characters—including Charlie's malevolent boss, Grahame Coats ("an albino ferret in an expensive suit"), witches, police and some of the folk from American Gods—are expertly woven into Gaiman's rich myth, which plays off the African folk tales in which Anansi stars. But it's Gaiman's focus on Charlie and Charlie's attempts to return to normalcy that make the story so winning—along with gleeful, hurtling prose.
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

From School Library Journal
Adult/High School–Charles Fat Charlie Nancy leads a normal, boring existence in London. However, when he calls the U.S. to invite his estranged father to his wedding, he learns that the man just died. After jetting off to Florida for the funeral, Charlie not only discovers a brother he didn't know he had, but also learns that his father was the West African trickster god, Anansi. Charlie's brother, who possesses his own magical powers, later visits him at home and spins Charlie's life out of control, getting him fired, sleeping with his fiancée, and even getting him arrested for a white-collar crime. Charlie fights back with assistance from other gods, and that's when the real trouble begins. They lead the brothers into adventures that are at times scary or downright hysterical. At first Charlie is overwhelmed by this new world, but he is Anansi's son and shows just as much flair for trickery as his brother. With its quirky, inventive fantasy, this is a real treat for Gaiman's fans. Here, he writes with a fuller sense of character. Focusing on a smaller cast gives him the room to breathe life into these figures. Anansi is also a story about fathers, sons, and brothers and how difficult it can be to get along even when they are so similar. Darkly funny and heartwarming to the end, this book is an addictive read not easily forgotten.–Matthew L. Moffett, Northern Virginia Community College, Annandale
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

From Bookmarks Magazine
In the bestselling American Gods (2001), the gods of old European, African, and other mythologies retired as ordinary, if eccentric, people. One of these gods, Charlie’s father, appears in the follow-up novel, Anansi Boys. Gaiman, best known for his 1990s Sandman comic book series, describes his new work as "a magical-horror-thriller-ghost-romantic-comedy-family-epic," and critics agree that it’s all that and more. Some noted the conventional nature of the comedy-drama part, with a fast-paced plot driving a narrative about good and evil. And as fantasy, Anansi Boys "is certainly quite inventive, if not revolutionary" (San Antonio Express-News). Overall, Gaiman’s novel is witty, giddy, and exhilarating—if not quite as satisfying as some of his previous work.

Copyright © 2004 Phillips & Nelson Media, Inc.

Most helpful customer reviews

144 of 151 people found the following review helpful.
Some stories are better heard than read
By Jack E. Holt, III
I have a comment on the CD version because, frankly, it was much more magical and interesting than the written work by itself. Anansi stories were made to tell around a fire at night, or out on the trail to pass the time, or, ever so quietly, while casting in a line to fish.

They are stories for people who do things, not just read things.

You can't read "Evil-doers beware!" and not think it's all a bit silly. But when you hear it around the fire, and thrill to the sound in your own blood, it doesn't sound silly at all. THAT's the power of stories told instead of read.

More importantly, Lenny Henry's voice captures every character as a unique creation. At first, the island accents are a little hard to follow, but then you get into the spirit of the thing. I know Lenny Henry as a comedian. I think the best comedians are observers and Henry has clearly observed a lot.

I enjoyed Mrs. Higler and Graham Coates the best, I suppose. Mrs. Higler is the voice of every well-meaning-but-meddling old woman who ever lived. Graham Coates is a fat weasel of a man who wants to be a big man. We've all met their type before. Lenny Henry takes us into their hearts with just a little bit of pacing and a fake accent or two.

Truthfully, though, I liked the stories BEHIND the stories, the original African tales worked into the novel, most of all. I played them for the toughest audience in the world-- my five-year old son. My son listened to the Anansi stories with a smile on his face that could outshine the sun. At the end of the tar-baby story he laughed and asked for more.

(Unfortunately, some of the book is a little too intense for young kids. So, I'm probably going to spend a fortune on e-bay to find some tapes Lenny Henry made of Mother Goose Tales. If they're half as good as Gaiman's & Henry's tale, it'll be worth it.)

I saw that a lot of people didn't like the book and all of those reviews compared this book unfavorably with American Gods. I suppose that's so. American Gods is a dark ride through the landscape and the psyche. It's magic at it's most threatening. A tale of terrors long-forgotten. A tiger tale. And those have their place.

If that's the only type of tale you like -- then neither this book nor this recording are for you.

But if there's a little "flexibility" in how you view the world. . . if you like to hear someone new tell an old story. . . if you think Br'er Rabbit and Bugs Bunny are zen philosophers in disguise. . . .

Well, then, this might be the best story you've ever heard.

209 of 225 people found the following review helpful.
The web of our life is of a mingled yarn
By Lonya
good and ill together. That line from Shakespeare's All's Well that Ends Well captures the essence of Neil Gaiman's latest creation, Anansi Boys.

Charlie Nancy is one of life's more passive characters. He is perpetually embarrassed by those around him. He grew up in Florida embarrassed by his father who had an eye for the ladies, never seemed to have a job, and who bestowed upon Charlie the nickname "Fat Charlie". It is a name that stuck to Charlie like glue and has followed him everywhere he goes, even to England where he now lives and works. More than anything else, Fat Charlie is embarrassed by himself. His life is an endless stream of self-conscious needless apologies for his life. As one would expect from a character like Charlie he is timid in front of his boss and can't seem to convince his fiancé that there is nothing wrong with consummating their relationship prior to their marriage. The word perpetually frustrated comes to mind here.

As the story opens, Fat Charlie is back in Florida for the funeral of his father. Charlie no doubt hopes his dad's death, which occurred while singing a song in a Karaoke bar much to Charlie's embarrassment, will put an end to his own state of perpetual embarrassment. That is the closure Charlie seeks. But the old ladies who made up his Dad's circle of friends tell Fat Charlie that their father was something of a god, in fact a spider god. They also tell Fat Charlie he has a brother. Fat Charlie, of course, will have none of this nonsense and returns to England.

Of course, life is never so simple for any character drawn by Neil Gaiman. It turns out Fat Charlie does have a brother, Spider, who is everything Charlie is not. Spider is personable, charming, glib, and has the ability to charm the pants off just about anyone he desires. As the name Spider implies, Charlie is soon drawn into the parallel world inhabited by Spider a world of small gods and vengeful animals. Fat Charlie is introduced to a whole new universe of characters and his ability to distinguish between fact and fantasy grows increasingly thin.

Anansi Boys worked on two levels for me. First, I actually grew attached to the character of Fat Charlie. I was surprised that I developed such empathy for Fat Charlie. Generally, I do not find `passive' characters all that attractive, but, as the book wore on I felt myself rooting for him. Second, Anansi Boy is, at its heart a story about a dysfunctional (but very funny) family and explores how its members try to reach some accommodation with their past and their present relationships. This is not meant to imply that the book is weighed down with ponderous statements on the meaning of life or families; far from it. The great success of Gaiman's writing in my opinion is that he can handle a topic with both humor and sensitivity. The story does not bog down in `deep thoughts'. Gaiman spins his yarn and leaves it up to the reader to read between the laughs. I found the conclusion to be particularly well done.

Anansi Boys, like the spiders that form its conceptual heart, draws you inexorably into its web until you cannot get out. Fortunately, Gaiman has spun such a fine yarn that you don't mind being ensnared at all. This was a book worth reading.

39 of 41 people found the following review helpful.
It's all in how you sing your song
By Brian Welsch
Anansi Boys started off a little slowly, I thought. Fat Charlie was such a drab anti-hero, but I found myself wondering how this guy was going to become interesting, because I genuinely liked the character despite his awkwardness. Neil Gaiman does a fantastic job pacing this story. We get sucked into the eccentricities of Charlie's brother, Spider, right along with Charlie. I found myself getting frustrated with Spider, much as I imagine Charlie was.

By the second half of the story, you could see the brothers' relationship changing. They were feeding off each other in a way, taking on characteristics of each other. Brilliantly done.

An interesting addition to the book was the 2 or 3 fables about Anansi that were spaced out in the first half of the tale. It made for a great lead-in to the interaction at the beginning/end of the world. I especially liked the scene with Tiger and the weasel. More so than in American Gods and Neverwhere, I felt Neil's writing was up to the task of his creativity. Definitely recommended to anyone with an imagination.

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@ Ebook Free I'll Fly Away: Further Testimonies from the Women of York Prison, by Wally Lamb, I'll Fly Away contributors

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I'll Fly Away: Further Testimonies from the Women of York Prison, by Wally Lamb, I'll Fly Away contributors

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I'll Fly Away: Further Testimonies from the Women of York Prison, by Wally Lamb, I'll Fly Away contributors

In 2003 Wally Lamb—the author of two of the most beloved novels of our time, She's Come Undone and I Know This Much Is True—published Couldn't Keep It to Myself, a collection of essays by the students in his writing workshop at the maximum-security York Correctional Institution, Connecticut's only prison for women. Writing, Lamb discovered, was a way for these women to confront painful memories, face their fears and their failures, and begin to imagine better lives. The New York Times described the book as "Gut-tearing tales . . . the unvarnished truth." The Los Angeles Times said of it, "Lying next to and rising out of despair, hope permeates this book."

Now Lamb returns with I'll Fly Away, a new volume of intimate, searching pieces from the York workshop. Here, twenty women—eighteen inmates and two of Lamb's cofacilitators—share the experiences that shaped them from childhood and that haunt and inspire them to this day. These portraits, vignettes, and stories depict with soul-baring honesty how and why women land in prison—and what happens once they get there. The stories are as varied as the individuals who wrote them, but each testifies to the same core truth: the universal value of knowing oneself and changing one's life through the power of the written word.

  • Sales Rank: #998172 in Books
  • Published on: 2007-09-18
  • Released on: 2007-09-18
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .93" w x 6.00" l, 1.02 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 272 pages

“Lamb . . . continues to offer readers an intimate look at women struggling to maintain their humanity.” (Booklist)

“Inspiring and raw…They write from the heart…each vignette is more compelling than the one before it.” (Library Journal)

“Accomplished…Each story, no matter how grim or gritty, shows polish.” (Kirkus Reviews)

About the Author

Wally Lamb is the author of four previous novels, including the New York Times and national bestseller The Hour I First Believed and Wishin' and Hopin', a bestselling novella. His first two works of fiction, She's Come Undone and I Know This Much Is True, were both number-one New York Times bestsellers and Oprah's Book Club selections. He lives in Connecticut with his wife, Christine. The Lambs are the parents of three sons.

Most helpful customer reviews

57 of 60 people found the following review helpful.
Must-read for just about anyone
By World Traveller
This book, and its partner "Couldn't Keep It To Myself" by the same author, is at times tough and uplifting. These are essays that women have worked on in a writing class inside the prison. They are their personal stories, which usually reveal so much about their circumstances and decisions that led them to incarceration.

Some of it is rough to read, such as troubled family lives and things happening to them that we don't like to think about. You get a chance to see the real consequences of poor treatment and bad circumstances. It's must-see information so we can all be more empathetic and alert when it comes to how we treat loved ones, watch over our neighborhood, and care for the society at large.

But beyond the painful histories, these essays reveal how these women are searching inside themselves to identify and correct troublesome thoughts and habits, and rehabilitating themselves in the process. In this respect it is very inspiring and uplifting. Most of us go through our days without thinking much about the deep things. In these essays we can follow the path of discovery with these women, some further along than others, and the progress they have made even in spite of their handicapped backgrounds and current incarceration. It can't help but motivate the reader to higher aspirations with his own circumstances.

I could recommend these two books to anyone who is interested in: child care, teaching, psychology, dealing with challenges, religion, or caring about our fellow man.

As an aside, I bought these books because I responded to an ad in our local paper looking for "weekend puppy-raisers". This prison has a program of training inmates to raise puppys for future life as an assistance dog to a handicapped person. The inmates work hard for the privilege, and dedicate themselves wholly to making the ideal dog for its future needy owner. On weekends, the dogs go home with a family to get socialized to life outside the prison walls. I signed up as a weekend family, solely because I missed having a dog, and with my work schedule, a full-time dog was impossible. What I didn't expect, was that the relationship with the inmate raising the pup would mean at least as much to me as the pup. The transformation that the woman is undergoing, as she works on herself and learns more about how her actions impact others and her own future, is so inspiring. I was surprised to find "real people" in prison, and so I got these two books to learn more about who they are and what led them to that point. We all have less-than-ideal life histories and personal choices, it's just a matter of degree, and I've found this helps me open my eyes to a world I avoided even thinking about - troubled families and people living in rough circumstances or making bad choices. It's good take off the blinders.

I'll post the same review on the companion book.

23 of 24 people found the following review helpful.
By KasaC
Wally Lamb is one of those writers that readers wish would write more. But seeing how he spends his time, readers can understand why he isn't pounding away at a keyboard relentlessly. Instead, he is inspiring incarcerated women to reach within themselves, bring forth what they know, and express themselves creatively. The pieces in this second collection are poignant given the circucumstances in which they were written, but hopeful in that they give voice to these neglected women, giving them expression. It is uncertain whether any of them could write as effectively about something outside of their experience or out of their imagination; however, that is not the point. The fact that they are able to be creative with what they do know is enough.

20 of 22 people found the following review helpful.
Moving and thought-provoking
By Nancy E. Deren
Excellent anthology of writing by women in prison who took part in Wally Lamb's writingn classes. Several of the most touching pieces are by young women serving long sentences for crimes committed at very young ages. Great reading for anyone interested in social justice issues.

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Sabtu, 26 Maret 2016

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Chef's Story: 27 Chefs Talk About What Got Them into the Kitchen, by Dorothy Hamilton, Patric Kuh

Twenty-seven extraordinary chefs tell the personal stories behind their culinary triumphs.

Over the past decade, our culture's interest in the world's great chefs has grown phenomenally. Once known to only the most dedicated gourmets, these supremely talented men and women have become high-profile stars with restaurants as their stages—masterful artists working in the medium that binds us all: food!

A wonderful companion volume to The French Culinary Institute's hit public television series, Chef's Story takes us into the private world of more than two dozen maestros of the kitchen—twenty-seven remarkable individuals who share their memories, their beliefs, and their passion for quality to reveal what helped them all become modern culinary legends.

  • Sales Rank: #1166123 in Books
  • Published on: 2008-04-08
  • Released on: 2008-04-08
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.13" h x .84" w x 7.38" l, 1.26 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 304 pages

“...quite an entertaining read...nuanced insights...provides inspiration to scores of neophytes in waiting.” (Library Journal)

About the Author

Founder of The French Culinary Institute and The Italian Culinary Academy, Dorothy Hamilton is chairwoman emerita for life of the American Institute of Wine and Food and was chairwoman of the board of trustees for the James Beard Foundation. She lives in New York and Connecticut.

Patric Kuh is the author of The Last Days of Haute Cuisine: The Coming of Age of American Restaurants, which won the 2002 James Beard Award for writing on food. He is the restaurant critic for Los Angeles Magazine, and he lives in Los Angeles.

Most helpful customer reviews

7 of 8 people found the following review helpful.
Very interesting and an easy read
By Deanokat
It's no secret to my family and friends that I've always wanted to be a chef. Well, not always...but certainly for the last 10 years or so. I love to cook and do it all the time. So the subject matter of this book--how chefs decided to be chefs--was very intriguing to me. All of the stories are interesting. Some are surprising. And the book is one of those that can be picked up and read casually if you want, because the 27 stories are easily read one at a time. And you can skip around as much as you want. I love the format. I'd recommend this book to anyone interested in cooking.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
It's a hunger...
By D.Beyer
The Food Network has made some of the chefs, named in this very readable book, household names. Chef's Story is an absolutely fascinating look at the shaping of a chef; how their experiences--both in life and in formal or informal apprenticeships--shaped their approach and expression in their food. The cultural and historical lessons, such as U.S. tortillas being made primarily from flour vs. the corn tortillas eaten in Mexico, and how the slave trade introduced rice to North Carolina; adds background and richness that expands the understanding of cuisine to a wider context. I enjoyed reading how a classically trained French chef came to love KFC because of the "crunch" (missing in French cooking) and the description of flavors expressed as musical notes by Robert Del Grande (musician and Ph.D. in biochemistry): "You play the chord; there it goes. You cook the dish; there it goes. It makes us appreciate the moment because you can't have it back."

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
By Timegoesby
This book is a collection of stories from different famed chefs about how they started their culinary careers. It's interesting enough and you learn a little bit about each chef's background from their brief stories. It's not enough to learn a great deal about the chefs or to really understand them, the book has no pictures, so what you get most are tidbits and pieces.

I checked this book out from the library and that's where I recommend you go read it.

See all 7 customer reviews...

Chef's Story: 27 Chefs Talk About What Got Them into the Kitchen, by Dorothy Hamilton, Patric Kuh PDF
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? Ebook Download Chef's Story: 27 Chefs Talk About What Got Them into the Kitchen, by Dorothy Hamilton, Patric Kuh Doc

? Ebook Download Chef's Story: 27 Chefs Talk About What Got Them into the Kitchen, by Dorothy Hamilton, Patric Kuh Doc
? Ebook Download Chef's Story: 27 Chefs Talk About What Got Them into the Kitchen, by Dorothy Hamilton, Patric Kuh Doc

Jumat, 25 Maret 2016

> Ebook The Miracle: The Epic Story of Asia's Quest for Wealth, by Michael Schuman

Ebook The Miracle: The Epic Story of Asia's Quest for Wealth, by Michael Schuman

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The Miracle: The Epic Story of Asia's Quest for Wealth, by Michael Schuman

The Miracle: The Epic Story of Asia's Quest for Wealth, by Michael Schuman

The Miracle: The Epic Story of Asia's Quest for Wealth, by Michael Schuman

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The Miracle: The Epic Story of Asia's Quest for Wealth, by Michael Schuman

“If you are interested in how Asia became an economic tiger, read The Miracle.”
—New York Times


An international bestseller, The Miracle by business journalist Michael Schuman offers a fascinating exploration of the most meaningful and far-reaching global event since World War II: the economic ascent of the Asian continent. CNN’s Wolf Blitzer calls The Miracle, “An amazing story and it’s all true,” while the New York Times praises Schuman for being, “not just a skilled reporter [but] also a gifted journalistic storyteller.” The Miracle is essential reading for anyone who truly wants to understand today’s—and tomorrow’s—world.

  • Sales Rank: #1330232 in Books
  • Published on: 2009-06-30
  • Released on: 2009-06-30
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x 1.11" w x 6.00" l, 1.10 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 464 pages

From Publishers Weekly
The dynamic Asian tiger economies, with their export-focused, state industrial policies, defy laissez-faire economic orthodoxies; this insightful history sheds light on their controversial achievements. Time magazineÖs business correspondent Schuman surveys behemoths China, Japan and India, middleweight powerhouses like Taiwan and Korea and oft-neglected developing countries like Malaysia and Indonesia, examining their economies through profiles of the government and business leaders. His evenhanded treatment of the Asian model notes both its successes—spectacular growth and technological progress—and failings—crony capitalism and sometimes stifling government regulation—while exploring the complexities and effectiveness of its various national versions. The clearest policy message is the authorÖs not entirely convincing endorsement of globalization and free trade, which, he insists, benefit South Carolina as much as South Korea. To reassure readers that free market verities still hold, Schuman includes stories about scrappy Asian entrepreneurs who built startups into world-class corporate juggernauts, sometimes helped and sometimes hindered by government economic planners. Schuman writes in the same vein of anecdotal pop-economic analysis as Thomas Friedman, with less grandiosity and more nuance; the result is a thoughtful, reader-friendly look at the crucial economic developments of our age. (July)
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

“Well told tale of the most extraordinary economic saga of the past century. Read this and you will quickly grasp that the current slowdown in Asia, at worst, will be very temporary.” (Steve Forbes)

“The Miracle tells an amazing story, and it’s all true. Michael Schuman has done some world-class reporting in putting together this truly timely account. Everyone has a stake in Asia’s economy, and we need to appreciate and understand that, especially at this time of global economic uncertainty.” (Wolf Blitzer)

“Schuman writes in the same vein of anecdotal pop-economic analysis as Thomas Friedman, with less grandiosity and more nuance; the result is a thoughtful, reader-friendly look at the crucial economic developments of our age.” (Publishers Weekly)

“If you are interested in how Asia became an economic tiger, read The Miracle... Schuman is not just a skilled reporter — he is also a gifted journalistic storyteller.” (New York Times)

“A rollicking good yarn.” (Far Eastern Economic Review)

“Should be read by anyone who imagines that there is an easy answer to the debate between laissez-faire and interventionist economics.” (The Wall Street Journal)

“For readers unfamiliar with the story of Asia’s rise, Schuman provides an engaging and readable account of some of Asia’s key policy makers, national leaders and business tycoons. It is economics as biography, character as developmental destiny.” (Washington Post)

From the Back Cover

In little more than a generation, Asia has emerged from centuries of stagnation to become the rising force of the global economy. This transformation has been so spectacular that some have called it a miracle. How did it happen? Taking the reader from the docksides of Korea to the halls of India's finance ministry, The Miracle details the courageous decisions and heroic self-sacrifice that made Asia's ascent possible. Spanning nine countries and probing major historical currents, this account illuminates not only Asia's extraordinary economic rise but also how its causes might emancipate the developing world from poverty and guide the developed world to further prosperity.

Using more than a decade of reporting and analysis, Time magazine and former Wall Street Journal reporter Michael Schuman uncovers how outsourcing to Asia began; how Asia's most famous companies, such as Sony and Honda, became global corporations; and how technological changes and global economic shifts made Asia's boom possible. He reveals the compelling human side to this economic story, introducing readers to the political strongmen, entrepreneurs, and policymakers who made the Miracle a reality. This engaging historical narrative brings to life the ideas and actions of a diverse group of Asians—dictators and democrats, generals and technocrats, economists and engineers.

Some of the characters in the book have captured the global imagination for years, such as China's reformer Deng Xiaoping and Sony founder Akio Morita. Others are less well known, including Park Chung Hee, Korea's tightfisted nation builder; Liu Chuanzhi, the risk-taking founder of PC maker Lenovo; and Azim Premji, the mastermind behind Wipro, one of India's technology giants. All of them shared a dream—to elevate Asia to its proper place of influence in the world and eradicate the poverty around them.

The Miracle not only offers profound insight into Asia and its increasing wealth and power; it also reveals how these seismic shifts continue to reverberate through the global economy. The implications of Asia's economic ascent for the rest of the world are surprising, promising, and inspiring. Readers of The Miracle will gain a deep understanding of Asia's place in the global economy—and of their own.

Most helpful customer reviews

10 of 10 people found the following review helpful.
Insightful and thoughtful analysis of Asia's rise
By Houman Tamaddon
Right after WWII many Asian countries such as Korea were some of the poorest countries in the world. Devastated by war and years of bad government, these countries were not expected to rise. Unlike many African countries they also were relatively poor in natural resources such as oil and diamonds. Sixty years later many of these Asian countries accomplished incredible growth and in the process elevated many of their citizens from poverty. Schuman examines the many factors that contributed to their rise. What has been the role of culture? Or government? Could unfettered free markets without government intervention have produced similar results? The answer to these questions and many more turns out to be more complicated. Schuman has chapters on China, India, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Indonesia, and Malaysia. Each of these countries employed different strategies to grow and succeed. Schuman does an outstanding job analyzing each of the countries. His open-mindedness and lack of ideology give readers a well balanced picture of the region.

Schuman's writing is easy and enjoyable to read. You will learn about the countries' politics, history, economic systems and in general the benefits and pitfalls of globalization. In the process you will also learn about key figures that were instrumental to the rise. This is an outstanding book and a delightful read. I highly recommend it and as you can see from my other reviews I am not a generous Amazon reviewer - I do not give many 5 star reviews!

11 of 12 people found the following review helpful.
Must-Read Economics and Development Material!
By Loyd Eskildson
Asia has emerged from centuries of stagnation to produce the most sustained economic boom in modern history - all in little more than a generation. Shuman's expertise and openness combine to produce one of the most important books on economic development - "The Miracle." South Korea leads the group, with a 15,046% growth in GNP/capita from 1965 - 2007; Japan's was "merely" 4,133%, China's 2,260%, and India's 764%. East Asia's 1981 poverty rate (surviving on $1.25/day, or less) led the world at nearly 80%; this fell to 18% by 2005. (During the same period sub-Saharan Africa remained at 50%.) Goldman-Sachs predicted in 2003 that by 2050 the Indian and Chinese economies together would double that of the U.S.

Shuman's focus is on both reporting how each economy blossomed, and then synthesizing underlying potentially explanatory factors. Five theories are most prominent:

1)"There is something special about Asians" - eg. Confucianism's stress on societal order and devotion to a strong work ethic (early Hyundai shipbuilders working 17-hour-days; Chinese factory workers working 12-hour-days for 28 or so days/month), savings (up to 50%) and education. (Akin to earlier studies crediting Protestantism's "The Lord helps him who helps himself" for the success of capitalism in the West.") Shuman also could have referenced politically-incorrect yet credible studies concluding that Asians benefit from about a ten IQ-point lead over average Caucasians. Regardless, Shuman challenges this theory, asking "Why not earlier?"

2)A second theory is that Asian leaders did a superior job of planning - despite contradicting seemingly superior U.S.-backed laissez-faire ideology. Examples include selecting particular industries to promote (eg. steel, shipbuilding, chemicals, electronics, metals, machinery - Japan, South Korea), assisting them with government funds, protection from foreign competition on their home turf, discounts on energy, lowered local taxes on their products, and wresting foreign assistance with new technology and patents. Other aspects include sometimes picking leaders of the new industries, forcing them to succeed vs. international competition in other lands, and forcing out corporate leaders who failed to succeed. Another important strategic dimension involves horizontal vs. vertical integration - a 7/13/09 WSJ column by Andy Grove points out that the Chinese government is supporting auto battery development (horizontal integration), vs. the U.S. supporting G.M./Chrysler (vertical), and that the Chinese may be making the better choice. Finally, it was also particularly interesting to note that some aspects correlated with strategic thinking by U.S. leaders. South Korea, for example, seemingly deliberately planned that every new plant had to be one of the largest in the world, and most efficient - very similar to Jack Welch's dictate that G.E. must be #1 or #2 in every area it competed in - guaranteeing it would not suffer scale dis-economies.

3)A third theory is that Asians simply took advantage of American-supported free-trade and military support for stability, while also boosting the education of their peoples and infrastructure (eg. transportation, power networks). Again, however, Shuman challenges such thinking with "Why not eg. Africa as well?"

4)Shuman sees nationalism as a fourth explanatory theory. The transformational Asian leaders sought strong growth to lift their people's standard of living, as well as a defense against the Communist or U.S. threat (eg. South Korea, Taiwan; China). Ironically, part of Deng's motivation in China was also to favorably impress citizens in Taiwan and Hong Kong in hopes of later peacefully re-uniting with them. These leaders also often set demanding goals for themselves - Ikeda, Japan's PM beginning in 1960, set a goal of doubling national income by 1970 - not only did Japan succeed, but confidence in his goal led many Japanese to boost the economy by spending on basic appliances (B&W TVs, refrigerators, washers), and later upgrading to color TVs and buying cars. Similarly, China's Deng supported a 1982 goal of boosting output in 2000 to levels 4X those then current.

Deng, like Obama's assistant, Rahm Emmanuel, was of the "let no crisis go to waste" school. He and his supporters took advantage of failing harvests to encourage and support radical thinking - eg. "privatizing" the collective farms. (Six months after Deng's approval, this spread to 75% of its farms.) Shuman also points out that China's approach differed from its Asian neighbors, with considerable government withdrawal from business areas formerly dominated - eg. government-owned enterprises. However, readers mush not make too much of that distinction - China still kept core actions of selecting and assisting new industries.

The author also notes that, with one exception, (Singh, in India) the leaders were not economists, but were quick to borrow from nations demonstrating early success (Japan was first). (Similarly, many leading American business leaders had no economic/management training - eg. Gates, Welch, Jobs, etc.)

Shuman also is quite impressed by the creativity of innovative and driving early Asian business leaders - eg. Morito (Sony), those involved in developing the Toyota Production System (TPS) that turned "Fordism" on its head, China's head of Leveno, Hyundai's founder, etc. China's recent battery and solar power entrepreneurs, not mentioned, are nonetheless also supportive of Shuman's thinking. Finally, "The Miracle" also quotes Asian leaders with crediting the U.S. for providing security and stability to the region.

5)A fifth potential explanatory theory is that strongman or single-party rule throughout much of Asia, did away with divisive arguments and interminable decision-making delays (think U.S. politics). Interestingly, South Korea's strongman Park, most credited with its economic transformation, was also posthumously selected in 1996 as the "dictator they' most like to clone." (Economic benefit trumps political freedom.) Clearly China's Deng, Suharto, and Japan functioned similarly - especially at the onset of their transformation.

Which theory is correct? My opinion is that each has truth; reality is probably a combination of them all.

My only criticism of "The Miracle" is that Shuman's thinking about long-term consequences for the U.S. are superficial. He believes, correctly, that continuation improves relations between the U.S. and Asia - but this is likely only up to a point. China's increasing concerns over holding U.S. financial assets is evidence that things may get tougher.

More importantly, however, Shuman fails to realize that what's good for Asia (more free trade) may not be good for the U.S. Further, he misses the significance of Sony's Morito refusing a major manufacturing contract to build transistor radios with Bulova's name on them - Morita's point was to give Sony greater control of its destiny, and gain access to the bulk of profits accruing to non-manufacturing activities (eg. China receives only 25-35% of the consumer price for items it manufactures). Similarly, Lenovo has acquired IBM's PC business, and various other new Chinese firms in China (eg. autos, solar and battery power) are following the same logic.

Countless American "experts" have told us we benefit from off-shoring manufacturing and its sweaty, brainless jobs - Shuman certainly isn't concerned. Reality, however, is that manufacturing experience, even involving simple plastic toys, also provides an irreplaceable foundation for related product and tool design, and process management. (The "Toyota Production System," obviously developed to support auto manufacturing, has proven generalizeable to countless industries, and is now also being applied in hospitals and white-collar work.) Meanwhile, CRT-tube outsourcing has been followed by ceding industry-related R&D jobs and even participation in the industry's increasingly technological direction - CRT and plasma screens, and most likely OELDs as well.

Finally, I can't help wondering what Russia's economic fate would have been if it had followed the Asian model.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
very entertaining and informative account
By A. Menon
The Miracle takes a different approach to most literature on asian growth. It looks at the individuals involved and tries to describe their backgrounds, motivations and perspectives and motivates the growth as a function of those uniquie perspectives. This is not an academic work in its intent but it serves a very important role of exploring the "original conditions" of the people who helped start asias miraculous growth and the book draws the reader into the characters perspectives on what was required and the solutions to the problems that were pondered.

The book explores most south east asian nations across the region. It starts with post world war japan and the start of Sony and the trajectory of the company from nothing to being a pioneer, it describes national MITI policy and the help and hinderance it could be. It goes into Korea and the story and vision of Park Chung Hee. The story of Singapore is discussed with the focus on Lee Kuan Yew. Hong Kong and its position is then discussed, discussing the rise or Li Ka-Shing and the eventual transfer of Hutchison. Taiwan is then discussed discussing Shih from Acer as well as some taiwanese historical background. China is explored and the journey of Deng Xiaoping is the center, the journey of liberalization within the party is focused on and the pragmatism of its leaders as well as the dogmatism of some of the older order. Indonesia is then moved onto with Suharto as the center, it is fairly flattering with focus on his use of the Berkeley team rather than the emergence of cronyism. The book then jumps back to Japan and Honda with his energy and vision and is used an example of how entrepreneurial Japan could be. India is then discussed, a little late to the party, Mannmohan Singh was the man who worked on fixing the situation along with Prime Minister Rao. Malaysia is described next with Mahathir's story being told. He is credited with avoiding the troughs of the asian crisis experience by pegging of the ringgit when presented with IMF bailout or his approach. We return to Korea over the asian crisis, with the most international precense at that time and the dismantlingh of Daewoo and the change in political sympathy and focus. We return to China through the eyes of the businessman and focus on Lenovo and its ascent. To conclude the author explores the story of one of india's largest IT sevices company, Wipro.

Usually when one reads a book on asia and its growth of recent decades, the focus is on trying to decompose the factors that were at work for success. Economists tend to look for the principal components of growth to make both better predictions and perscriptions for other similar situations. The author takes the view that economies are at heart built from individuals and it is their story in which insight can be gleaned and thus focuses on the narrative rather than aggregate statistics. The result is very entertaining and a very interesting read. Often some characters who could be portrayed in a very poor light are contextualised so as to describe the good rather than bad that they helped foster, but this is only natural given the goal of the book- to describe asia through the eyes of the people making the growth happen. I recommend reading this as it describes the uniqueness of each asian country and how they saw themselves relative to others both locally as well as globally. Too often do people consider asian growth a singular phenomenon born of the same factors, this book helps dispel this, doing it entertainingly as well as insightfully.

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> Ebook The Miracle: The Epic Story of Asia's Quest for Wealth, by Michael Schuman Doc

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The Gulag Archipelago Abridged: An Experiment in Literary Investigation (P.S.), by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

The Gulag Archipelago Abridged: An Experiment in Literary Investigation (P.S.), by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

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The Gulag Archipelago Abridged: An Experiment in Literary Investigation (P.S.), by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Solzhenitsyn's gripping epic masterpiece, the searing record of four decades of Soviet terror and oppression, in one abridged volume, authorized by the author

  • Sales Rank: #62621 in Books
  • Color: Paperback,
  • Brand: Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr Isaevich/ Ericson, Edward E. (ADP)/ Applebaum, Anne (FRW)/ Whitney, Thomas P
  • Published on: 2007-08-07
  • Released on: 2007-08-07
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.00" h x .84" w x 5.31" l, .90 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 528 pages

“Best Nonfiction Book of the Twentieth Century” (Time magazine)

Language Notes
Text: English, Russian (translation)

About the Author

After serving as a decorated captain in the Soviet Army during World War II, Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008) was sentenced to prison for eight years for criticizing Stalin and the Soviet government in private letters. Solzhenitsyn vaulted from unknown schoolteacher to internationally famous writer in 1962 with the publication of his novella One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich; he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1968. The writer's increasingly vocal opposition to the regime resulted in another arrest, a charge of treason, and expulsion from the USSR in 1974, the year The Gulag Archipelago, his epic history of the Soviet prison system, first appeared in the West. For eighteen years, he and his family lived in Vermont. In 1994 he returned to Russia. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn died at his home in Moscow in 2008.

Most helpful customer reviews

137 of 140 people found the following review helpful.
A voyage through hell
By George Coppedge
"The line between good and evil runs through the heart of every human being."

This abridged edition of Solzhenitsyn's hauntingly intimate portrait of his own arrest, interrogation, imprisonment, rebellion, and eventual release during Stalin's purges is a book like no other. This book, written by a constantly watched and persecuted dissident - bent but not broken by the brutality of Stalinist work camps, shares the author's (and his other inmates') personal experiences falling into this dark, usually fatal, abyss. Solzhenitsyn's original work was published in 1971 and produced an absolutely damning indictment of communism in Russia. Indeed, the stunning quality and importance of his writing earned him a Nobel prize.

Besides his own experiences, Solzhenitsyn collected personal stories from hundreds of his fellow inmates. The sadism of interrogators, the cruelty of guards, the indifference of neighbors, the paranoia of the public, the betrayal of stoolies, and the true comradery of innocent inmates are presented in vivid, factual detail. In addition to this, the author also presents an encyclopeadic knowledge of the entirety of the gigantic Stalinist security apparatus (normal labor camps, special labor camps, transfer camps, railroad transfers, prisons, holding cells, interrogation cells, NKVD, SMERSH, commissars, exile communities, and still more).

But at the heart of it all, the book remains an unforgettable journey through man-made hell. Stalin meant to destroy every man, woman, and child arrested, regardless of their innocence, and he largely succeeded. But survivors like Solzhenitsyn did truly 'tear down the wall' and made this world a far better place to live in. We all owe him a huge debt of gratitude!

71 of 72 people found the following review helpful.
The best book I have read in years! A real eye-opener.
By David Young (@deepinthecode)
For any who have any nostalgia for the Soviet Union, this book should put it to rest. This book is hard to categorize; it is more than one man's opinion, but less than an objective history. It is, as Solzhenitsyn puts it, "an experiment in literary investigation": a combination memoir and dissertation on the evils of Communism and its inevitable product, the forced labor camp. Some have criticized Solzhenitsyn as an anti-Communist/pro-Western polemicist, but that is not an accurate description. He is a realist, showing not only the faults of Communists, but also those of the West and Western leaders. This should be required reading for European and world history classes. Volume 1 (of 3) describes the arrest and interrogation procedures, as well as life in the Gulag.

76 of 79 people found the following review helpful.
The Most Important Nonfiction Work of the 20th Century
By David A Jones
How thin is the veil we call Civilization!! This book is indeed a tedious read by virtue of its length. However, Solzhenitsyn's history is written with the prosaic style of a Tolstoy or Dostoyevsky.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was a Captain in the Soviet Army as it charged through Nazi occupied Poland when he was arrested on trumped-up charges in February 1945. Thus began his odyssey through Gulag, "the country within a country". The perpetually weak economy of Communism could not survive without the forced labor of millions of is own citizens who became prisoners for one reason or another, or no reason at all. Solzhenitsyn relates his own experiences as well as those of other prisoners with whom he became acquainted while incarcerated. He relates how ordinary Russians were arrested and charged with fraudulent charges (if charged at all), interrogated, tortured and forced to confess under extreme duress, and sent off to labor for the good of the Motherland.
Throughout the book, Solzhenitsyn asks the reader incredulously, "how did we let this happen?" That is no doubt one of the most important questions posed in all of human history. If we study history in order to prevent the repetition of our mistakes, then Solzhenitsyn's work should be required reading of all residents of Planet Earth.

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The Gulag Archipelago Abridged: An Experiment in Literary Investigation (P.S.), by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn PDF
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The Gulag Archipelago Abridged: An Experiment in Literary Investigation (P.S.), by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Kindle

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!! Ebook The Gulag Archipelago Abridged: An Experiment in Literary Investigation (P.S.), by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Doc

!! Ebook The Gulag Archipelago Abridged: An Experiment in Literary Investigation (P.S.), by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Doc
!! Ebook The Gulag Archipelago Abridged: An Experiment in Literary Investigation (P.S.), by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Doc

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Sisters of the Sword, by Maya Snow

Kimi dreams of being a great samurai warrior, but she and her sister, Hana, are young ladies of feudal Japan, daughters of the Jito of the province. Her future seems clear: Girls do not become samurai.

Then, betrayal shatters the sisters' world. Their power-hungry uncle murders their father, and their mother and little brother mysteriously disappear. Determined to seek revenge and restore their honor, they disguise themselves as boys to train at a school for samurai. Kimi and Hana are thrown headlong into a life of warrior codes, sharp swords, and shadowy figures—as they work with fierce determination to avenge the brutal wrongs done to their family.

In a flash, life has swept them into a terrible adventure, more heart-pounding than Kimi and Hana ever could have imagined . . . and once it has been set in motion, nothing will ever be the same.

  • Sales Rank: #1590279 in Books
  • Published on: 2009-06-09
  • Released on: 2009-06-09
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 7.63" h x .61" w x 5.13" l, .47 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 304 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

6 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
Thrilling story but lots of blood
By Maggie Knapp
Kimi and Hana are the teenage daughters of a powerful lord in feudal Japan. Although their father (non-traditionally) encourages them to learn to read, write and defend themselves, they never dream to the extent they will put these skills to use. A treacherous betrayal sends the sisters fleeing into the forest, soon to join a training school disguised as servant-class boys. They need to remain alive long enough to find their mother and younger brother, and if they can take revenge on their enemies along the much the better.

Author Maya Snow created what seems to me to be an authentic and accurate setting in feudal Japan. Japanese terms are used liberally in the text and I enjoyed learning about samurai rituals and life in Japan hundreds of years ago. Kimi and Hana are strong and smart, and in this suspenseful story they are befriended by a number of richly-drawn secondary characters, particularly Master Goku. This book is the first in a series, and ends with the promise of more adventures to follow.

The gore factor of this book is high -- too high, in my opinion for the suggested audience of 10 and up. The stabbings and beheadings are descriptively wrought, and include beloved family members and friends. I would suggest it for 12 and up, most particularly for those who like their sword fights bloody. If you enjoy this book, you might also try Chris Bradford's Young Samurai series. The hero is Jack, and the violence level is about the same.

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
By elfdart
this book was surprisingly good. i wouldn't say that i was surprised by the material, because you can get a pretty good idea of what to expect from the plot by reading the summary, kind of a mulan/ alanna series (tamora peirce) story about a girl who rises out of the stereotypical female role and sort of blurs the boundary we so readily assign to gender association. and this story is a good one, but because it's so over done there is a huge potential for failure. this book however, did not fail.

first off i have to say that i'm somewhat impressed. this is a story about two young girls dealing with the death of their father and brothers, and there is actually evidence of violence. it is a children's book so of course there is nothing too graphic, but it is no max and ruby! you fear for the characters and the suspense your fear creates because they could actually get hurt really increases the anticipation. the story makes you want to feel things basically :P but again, this is a novel for children. i picked it up in the 9 - 12 section of the book store and i'd say the subject matter is handled in a way appropriate for that age. more often than not, though danger is close at hand, the girls are spared what would be a scary scene (and what would have been added in the adult version of the novel with more gore and blood) leaving only a handful of actual encounters wherein they are confronted with an unpleasant confrontation.

the main characters kimi and hana were great as well. the story wasn't so much about how they 'beat the system', how they showed everyone that girls can do whatever boys can. it was a better story, side stepping that superficial attempt at feminism. it was about inner strength and fighting your own demons with what you've got. and yes kimi wants to be a samurai like nothing else, but the focus of the story is on how she reacts with strength and courage when such a bad thing has happened to her and her family. she uses her desire to become a samurai to move forward, to avenge her family, but her reason of existence isn't to prove that she can. she knows she can. her purpose is acknowledge her ability, nurture it, and then use it to best accomplish what she desires.

the book ended... like a beginning, so i assume this is the beginning of some sort of series. and this is a novel written for children, but that i'm 20 yr old university student and still enjoyed it says something, i think, about the author's talent for storytelling. it was a well written book with a good story and great characters. i look forward to a continuation.

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
A straight forward captivating book with a compelling heroine
By Stuerchler Matius
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this captivating book, which, instead of loosing itself in unnecessary details ("lard factor"), tells an exiting straightforward story with characters that I could easily identify myself with. I find myself reminded of stories by Tamora Pierce or Mercedes Lackey, where I young heroine has to go through many adventures and adversities to finally prevail against evil. Highly recommended. I am very much looking forward to the sequel!

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Kamis, 24 Maret 2016

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Deadly Sexy, by Beverly Jenkins

Though her Lexus may be broken down on the California freeway, Jessi Teresa Blake is no damsel in distress. Rich, smart, and beautiful, JT, or "Lady Blake," as she is called, is one of the toughest sports agents around. She's negotiated megabucks contracts for every superstar in the business, and only the most confident of men can match wits with her. Men like Reese Anthony, the impossibly sexy trucker who gives her a lift back to Oakland.

  • Sales Rank: #1033024 in Books
  • Brand: Jenkins, Beverly
  • Published on: 2007-10-30
  • Released on: 2007-10-30
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 6.75" h x .96" w x 4.19" l,
  • Binding: Mass Market Paperback
  • 384 pages

About the Author

Beverly Jenkins has received numerous awards, including five Waldenbooks/Borders Group Best Sellers Awards, two Career Achievement Awards from Romantic Times Magazine, and a Golden Pen Award from the Black Writer's Guild. Ms. Jenkins was named one of the Top Fifty Favorite African-American writers of the 20th century by AABLC, the nation's largest on-line African-American book club. She was recently nominated for the NAACP Image Award in Literature.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Modern Affair
By Amazon Customer
I have read some of Ms. Jerkins period stories and love all of them. When I saw this modern day story of one of the ancestors from one of the story I have read and was anxious to read it. I loved JB, "Lady Blake" (Jessi), and related well because I am a big sport fan and could hang with the guys when discussion most sports. The pace flowed beautiful, and the characters were well developed. I liked the balance with JB and Reese because some men can be intimated with a strong will woman. That Bobby was so evil in so many ways that it was no surprise of his outcome.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Deadly and very sexy!!
By Kindle Customer
I loved this story!! I was so happy to find it...and learn more about JT, after meeting her in Sexy/Dangerous!! I wish there was more to the story and that we learn more about the Anthony men...Pops, Pinky and the Brain!! I also loved the suspense involved in that story

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Chemistry so Hot!
By Amazon Customer
I loved this book. I have been waiting on this book and was not disappointed. I love how JT takes care of her business. The chemistry between she and Resse is so hot,it leaped off the pages. I stayed up all night long to finish this story and it was worth the wait.

I was turned on to Beverly Jenkins earlier this year by reading a blog. I picked up her book Night Song and fell in love with this author. I have since spent a small fortune bought all of her books. She is simply my favorite author! I bought her books for a few of my friends as well. Get this book and go back and get the others.

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