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? Ebook Free The Rise of the Fourth Reich: The Secret Societies That Threaten to Take Over America, by Jim Marrs

Ebook Free The Rise of the Fourth Reich: The Secret Societies That Threaten to Take Over America, by Jim Marrs

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The Rise of the Fourth Reich: The Secret Societies That Threaten to Take Over America, by Jim Marrs

The Rise of the Fourth Reich: The Secret Societies That Threaten to Take Over America, by Jim Marrs

The Rise of the Fourth Reich: The Secret Societies That Threaten to Take Over America, by Jim Marrs

Ebook Free The Rise of the Fourth Reich: The Secret Societies That Threaten to Take Over America, by Jim Marrs

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The Rise of the Fourth Reich: The Secret Societies That Threaten to Take Over America, by Jim Marrs

Throw out everything you think you know about history. Close the approved textbooks, turn off the corporate mass media, and whatever you do, don't believe anything you hear from the government. The Rise of the Fourth Reich reveals the truth about American power.

In this explosive exposé, the legendary Jim Marrs explores the frighteningly real possibility that today, in the United States, an insidious ideology thought to have been vanquished more than a half century ago is actually flourishing. At the end of World War II, ranking Nazis, along with their young and fanatical protégés, used the loot of Europe to create corporate front companies in many countries, worming their way into corporate America. They brought with them miraculous weapons technology that helped win the space race. But they also brought their Nazi philosophy based on the authoritarian premise that the end justifies the means—including unprovoked wars of aggression and curtailment of individual liberties—which has since gained an iron hold in the "land of the free."

Jim Marrs has gathered compelling evidence of the effort that has been under way for the past sixty years to bring a form of National Socialism to modern America, creating in essence a new empire-or "Fourth Reich"!

  • Sales Rank: #52781 in Books
  • Brand: Marrs, Jim
  • Published on: 2009-06-23
  • Released on: 2009-06-23
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.00" h x 1.01" w x 5.31" l, .75 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 448 pages

About the Author

Jim Marrs is a celebrated journalist and the author of Our Occulted History, The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy, The Rise of the Fourth Reich, Rule by Secrecy, Alien Agenda, and Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy. He lives in Texas.

Most helpful customer reviews

379 of 405 people found the following review helpful.
By RBSProds
Four and a half CONTROVERSIAL Stars!! Disturbing, Fascinating, and Challenging. Easily the conspiracy book of the decade!! Revisionist history, international maniputalion on a gigantic level, Illuminati, 'Foo fighters', the greatest unsolved bank robbery in history, body doubles, and Solomon's treasure: all of this will gladden the hearts of conspiracy theorists, but there's lots here for everyone and much is disturbing. Mr Marrs' basic premise: some well-heeled Nazi's survived WW II, used their connections, as well as their scientific expertise and appropriated loot to promote rich lifestyles, and insinuate themselves into high tech corporations and governments. Worst still, Mr Marrs asserts that maybe some really big Nazi (a word derived from National Socialism) leaders had access to amazing technology and could have escaped with it. He feels we are now using some of their old tactics, discoveries, and philosophies to implement US policy based by the merging of government and corporations, to the detriment of individualism. Scary indeed when one considers which of the two is calling the shots. But can it be true? And then he goes into various shadowy European and American organizations who sought and are still seeking unconditional power and control through various business networks and governmental operations. He reveals Project Paperclip where the USA imported thousands of 'useful' former Nazis to the US with little or no knowledge by our citizens. Beyond this, Nazis set up front companies in Argentina, Sweden, Switzerland (more than 200 companies), Portugal, Spain, and Turkey, among others. One of the most fascinating chapters is called "Nazi Wonder Weapons" which is full of guided missiles, early television, plastics, the possibility of the A bomb, early computers, quantum mechanics, and high tech assertions that frankly are quite shocking. I'll let the reader discover the two biggest of the Nazi discoveries, as described by Mr Marrs. Did the Germans have nukes? And have world governments kept us in the dark about many well-known historical events?

Despite what some may feel about Mr Marrs' previous works, I do believe he's onto something with regard to the hidden Nazi history of world corporations, power, and political ideologies, especially with regard to 'war'. Big corporations, according to this book, have been forming non-political alliances that have been funding the war machines of opposing countries and alliances. The ties between world politics and big business are revealing: for example, Leon Trotsky was living on the grounds of Standard Oil in New Jersey, rent free, in 1917 just before returning to Russian to help depose the czar, with Wall Street bankers and wealthy Brits and Germans funding that Bolshevik triumph. Another stunning assertion is that "globalists" fearlessly funded and manipulated both sides of the overall conflict between communism and western nations for their own financial benefit from the very beginning, even to the point of determining who should "lose the war". And based on these successes, Mr Marrs says these globalists are now funding the new Nazi philosophy and rising activities of "the fourth reich". The influence of the "the ends justify the means" Illuminati, freemasonry, and even Yale's Skull and Bones are playing major roles in today's activities. Only in "Ratlines" does Mr Marrs falter, after building a case for the ruthlessness and inventiveness of the Nazis, he would have us believe various religious personnel could have actually denied the Nazis anything. There are also unflattering characterizations of Charles Lindbergh, John Foster Dulles, William Randolph Hearst, the Rockefellers, Pope Pius XII, Winston Churchill, Prescott Bush, Joseph P. Kennedy, IBM, ITT, Ford Motor Company, Standard Oil, and DuPont. This is a challenging book with a disturbing alternate historical version of the last 100 years: believe it or not!! Highly Recommended! Four and a half AMAZING stars!!

104 of 109 people found the following review helpful.
Entertaining and Regrettably NOT Unbelievable
By Andrew Kilian
I read this book in a weekend and couldn't bring myself to put it down. The case made by the author at first seems like fantastic fiction, but alarmingly, as the chapters begin to relate to events closer to current history you begin to feel the rug being pulled out from underneath you.

If I had a criticism it would be that, although the author convincingly shows how elements of Nazism splintered, survived, flourished, made inroads as well as became absorbed by various American institutions; he conflicts with his own argument stating that National Socialism is the danger, while simultaneously, Plutocratic Interests also are the danger. It can be followed that one begat the other, they developed along separate paths and intertwined at some later point. Marrs keeps citing that one is the issue, yet both are competing conspiracies or more likely one dominant and one subordinate.

I enjoyed this book immensely for it's odyssey on "what is wrong with America and how we got here", particularly for all the ground he covers. I think everyone should read this (at a minimum) just for the challenging ideas it presents. I felt it plugged up a lot of holes in my historical vocabulary.

321 of 367 people found the following review helpful.
Much is Excellent, But Open to Severe Criticisms
By David M. Dougherty
Author Marrs's premise that the US is rapidly becoming a fascist state is hardly open to question any more, but his pointing to Nazi Germany as the origin of this trend misses the mark. Nonetheless, this book is a valuable read for all, regardless of the reader's political persuasion or positioning on the left or right.

Unfortunately the author damages his work as early as in his Introduction with false facts. For example, on page 1 he states that the bodies of Mussolini and his mistress "were left hanging from lampposts." Actually they were hung by their heels from the canopy of a gasoline station in Milan. On page two, Hitler's remains were found by the Soviets, positive identification was made from dental records, and part of Hitler's skull was retained by Stalin as a war souvenir. The two pages about Hitler's possible escape are pure fantasy and at odds with documented history. Even his definition of terms is poor, for example the term "Nazi" is not a contraction from "National Socialist" but rather the first two syllables of "Nationalsozialismus" (one word) pronounced in German as Na-tsi (National is pronounced Na-tsi-oo-nal in four syllables). I could go on and on, but suffice it to say, the author plays fast and loose with some facts to spice up his theme when no spicing is needed, and such lack of historical scholarship calls his other facts into question.

Another example might be made of the Skull and Bones Society at Yale. Certainly this was an organization whose members were drawn into the Bilderbergs, Trilateral Commission and Council on Foreign Relations, but casting this college society as a fascist conspiracy group is like condemning the Boy Scouts or DeMolay for the evils some of their members bring about in later years.

Nonetheless, author Marr does identify the most terrifying secret group today that is likely to bring an end to American sovereignty -- the Bilderbergs (B), supported by their agents The Round Table in Europe, and the Trilateral Commission (TC) and the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) here in the US. These groups are well documented for wishing to end American national sovereignty, imposing global taxes, and wanting to reduce the American standard of living to come into line with the world's average. They have achieved the European Union, and their next step is to form a North American Union out of Canada, the US, and Mexico with a standard currency, the Amero. These programs are very far advanced, and the public needs to take action at this very late date. Marr correctly points out that private ownership of weapons in the US acts as a significant curb to these ambitions as does the history of individual freedom in the US.

Marr loses his way in attempting to pin the actions of these groups on Nazis or their influence. Like the Bolshevik revolutionaries, many of the individuals actively working to foster this new One World Order are Jewish (Kissinger immediately comes to mind) -- something that puts them at odds with Hitler's racial underpinning of his state. In addition, Hitler would have maintained his nation-state as the supreme body for world leadership -- today the One World Order types seek a Supra-National Socialist (or Supra-Nazi) world governing body, controlled by them through the management of the political process and public-private partnerships (PPPs). Marrs is correct in his descriptions of these PPP organizations and how the corporate and political worlds are managed by the globalists.

Marr correctly points out that Jimmy Carter was the first President to be catapulted from obscurity by the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderbergs by Zbigniew Brzezinski and David Rockefeller. He also is correct in that the Reagan Presidency was managed to an extreme by these organizations, as were the first Bush administration (Bush himself was a member of all three), Clinton's (Bill is also a member of all three), George W. Bush (essentially everyone below Bush are members, and most disconcerting, Obama has been stage-managed from 1983 by Brzezinski and others, and is little more than a front man for the Bilderbergs. That's why Bill Clinton became so enraged when he saw the Bilderberg and TC support go to Obama instead of his wife -- she was considered to be less manageable than Obama. Kerry was also a Bilderberg, and indeed, so is Chris Dodd, one of the architects of the mortgage mess and Henry Paulson, the man who will be transferring 700 billion dollars from American taxpayers to his Bilderberg buddies. For those who still have doubts concerning this manipulation, consider the Bilderberg action when the gasoline prices reached $4.00 at the pump and McCain began surging in the polls due to his energy policies. The Bilderbergs took swift action in the oil futures market as only they could do, and three months later, high gasoline prices have been forgotten as an economic issue. Hey, folks, that's control that would be far beyond Hitler's comprehension.

So buy and read this book, but soft peddle the Hitler connection. The actual reality is much worse, and probably irreversible due to the propaganda taught in American schools since World War II and sent out every day on American TV stations. For your viewing pleasure, all of the major media outlets (including Fox -- Murdock is a Bilderberg) are owned or controlled by Bilderberg members. You'll never hear O'Reilly or Hannity on Fox mention the Bilderbergs, Bill Moyers at PBS is PBS's primary Bilderberg member, and the New York Times and Washington Post are little more than Bilderberg house organs. Enjoy yourself -- it's later than you think.

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